The Charleston Wrap Fundraiser starts today September 20th and wraps up October 1st. This is a fun way to get ahead of the crowds (and shipping shortages) with unique gifts, treats, and of course, WRAPPING PAPER!
Meadows receives 40% back on all purchases - WOW. Thank you all so much for making this one of our biggest fundraisers last year, earning an incredible $3500! This year let's aim for $5000, as we bridge the gap between growing in-person classroom needs and the trials of socially distanced fundraising. Your contributions provide PTA-backed classroom supplies, programs like Young at Art, and hundreds of other activities for our kids and school community.
Here’s how to help:
1) Please visit to register today! Use our ORGANIZATION ID 17060 to register! One registration per family. 2) Send 10 unique and valid shopping email invites to your friends & family using our invite tool at registration.
3) Shop! With over 2,500 gift ideas, you can check-off your holiday gift-list and support our important cause, too. PRO TIP: The more email invites you send, the more supporters we'll get! So, break out your email contact list, share on social media, and help spread the word!
Look for more information in the Mustang Minute or on our Facebook Page Charleston Wrap Fundraiser | Facebook for details.