Read-A-Thon is underway and we can see our Mustangs reading and raising funds for our school every day.
Our registered readers have logged 20,144 minutes of reading and collected 140 sponsors. And, we are 56% of the way to our goal with 7 days remaining.
Prizes are being awarded daily for our top daily readers in the upper and lower grades!
If you are registered and have a least one sponsor, and you are eligible for the top reader prizes. . . just remember to have your grown up log your minutes-read (daily for each day going forward) and we'll be checking the stats each morning.
Haven't registered yet, its not too late! Just follow the link to the Read-A-Thon website and you can register in the matter of minutes.
It takes a village, as they say, and we know our Meadows village can be counted on to get us to our goal! And, have fun reading along the way!
Keep it up Mustangs!