Meadows Elementary School

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Excellence in Education: MBEF in Our Schools

Excellence in Education: MBEF in Our Elementary Schools

Welcome to the new school year! Because of generous donations from parents last year, MBEF is proud to provide over $7.4 MILLION in directed funding towards programs and educator positions that will support the growth and development of our elementary students this school year. The investment in Smaller Class Sizes in 4th and 5th Grades, MakerSpace Specialists, Physical Education Teachers, Library Resource Specialists, Science Lab Instructors and Music Teachers all bring the exceptional education in our district to life. Together, as a community, we create opportunities for all students to thrive! Learn more at 


Excellence in Education: MBEF at MBMS

Welcome to the new school year! Because of generous donations from parents last year, MBEF is proud to provide over $7.4 MILLION in directed funding towards programs and educator positions that will support the growth and development of our middle school students this school year. The investment in Smaller Classes in English, Humanities and Math, four additional School Counselors, advanced STEAM and VAPA Pathway Electives, and a dedicated Library Resource Specialist all bring the exceptional education in our district to life. Together, as a community, we create opportunities for all students to thrive! Learn more at 


Excellence in Education: MBEF at Mira Costa

Welcome to the new school year! Because of generous donations from parents last year, MBEF is proud to provide over $7.4 MILLION in directed funding towards programs and educator positions that will support the growth and development of our high school students this school year. The investment in Smaller Classes across campus, including Ninth Grade English and Math, four additional School Counselors, advanced STEAM and VAPA Pathway Electives, access to Zero Period Classes and a robust College and Career Center all bring the exceptional education in our district to life. Together, as a community, we create opportunities for all students to thrive! Learn more at
