Meadows Elementary School

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MBUSD is celebrating its second annual district-wide Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Week


MBUSD is celebrating its second annual district-wide Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Week during March 6-10, 2023, across our campuses. Each school site will have exciting SEL activities daily for our students that highlights supporting the whole student, which includes maximizing academic success, supporting their well-being, and continuing a positive climate of care on campus. The week shares with our community the importance of quality SEL programming. 


MBUSD has a Social and Emotional Learning Framework that reflects the important role of positive relationships and emotional connections in the learning process and helps students develop a range of skills for school and life. 


To learn more about our SEL framework, visit here


Volunteers are needed for these daily events! If you would like to help, please contact your school’s main office. 


In our next newsletter, we will provide details on the activities scheduled at our school sites. 
