Meadows Elementary School

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Our School » Health Policies

Health Policies



Written instructions from the student’s physician stating limitations and/or instructions for care while at school will be required for the following:

If a student returns to school with:

  • Cast
  • Crutches or orthopedic appliances
  • Wheelchair (Please notify school before child returns)

If a student is to be excused from Physical Education/Playground activities for more than 3 days in a row.

Fever: Students with an oral temperature of 100.0 degrees or more will be excluded from school until temperature is normal for at least 24 hours without the need for Motrin/Advil/Tylenol.

Vomiting/diarrhea: Students will be excluded from school until they have had no vomiting/diarrhea for at least a 24 hour period.

Rashes: If a student has a rash, the student must stay home and may return only with a note from a physician stating that the rash is not contagious or may return if the rash has cleared.

When to keep my child home: Sore throat, persistent or productive cough, congestion, nausea/vomiting, chills/fever. If your child appears generally ill and complains of not feeling well, it may be best to give a day of rest (even if fever free). Children who appear generally ill are sent home frequently.

Lice: Please report to the health office if your child has lice. They must be checked in by the health office to return to school. Sometimes parents feel uncomfortable reporting this. There is no shame. It is not true that lice are contracted because a person is dirty. Many have had it before you. It is imperative that it be reported to halt the spread. Thank you for your assistance.

These guidelines are for the protection of your child as well as their classmates and the staff. Thank you for your consideration.

Meadows Health Office has an open door policy. If you need assistance, please feel free to come by or call us at 310-546-8033 x5663.

Follow this link to the school district's "Student Health" page for additional information.